It starts with one dollar (SOLD OUT)

It starts with one dollar (SOLD OUT)

6 x 15 cm, © 2020, verkocht
Tweedimensionaal | Mixed Media | Op papier
SOLD OUT "It starts with one dollar" Kunstenaar/artist: REX (Jurriaan Rexwinkel) Gesigneerd/signed: hand paraaf/Initials Jaar/year: 2020 Papier/paper: Dollar One Biljet Genummerd/number: limited edition Formaat blad/Size of paper: 15.5 X 6.5 cm Format image: 15.5 X 6.5 cm "It starts with one dollar. It is a metaphor for the fact that everything starts small, no matter how big it gets. In addition, the makers of the Simpsons have incorporated a visionary look into the series, some of which are very close to current events. They are heroes." Wordt geleverd met echtheid certificaat/Comes with authenticity certificate. Investing in a work of art can be an excellent short-term financial investment.