Original Art
Each artwork is unique, handmade and original, no copies or glicee. One edition and hand signed.
uit 2020 tot 2024
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2024Drawing lately has given me a lot of pleasure. Draw your own world, thoughts and feelings.

Illusion of happiness
2024Drawing my world, thoughts and feelings. The illusion of thoughts..it’s all in the detail!

Illusion of reality
2024Drawing lately has given me a lot of pleasure. Draw your own world, thoughts and feelings.

2024Drawing my world, thoughts and feelings. The illusion of thoughts..it’s all in the detail!

Good nor bad
2021"A Human is neither good nor bad, it's filthy" Kunstenaar/artist: REX (Jurriaan Rexwinkel) Gesigneerd/signed: hand paraaf/Initials Jaar/year: 2021 Papier/paper: Cardboard Techniek/technique: Spuitbus op karton/Spray can on cardboard. Genummerd/number: (1 ) Formaat blad/Size of paper: 20 x 31.5 cm 7,87x12.4 INCH Format image: 20 x 31.5 cm 7,87x12.4 INCH Conditie/Condition: Nieuw/new Comes with authenticity certificate. Do you live in the Netherlands or do you have the possibility to pick up the work, please contact us. If you have any doubts or questions about shipping or payment, please also contact me at studiorexwinkel@gmail.com. Check

I am not allowed to think out of the box
2021'I am not allowed to think out of the box' Kunstenaar/artist: REX (Jurriaan Rexwinkel) Gesigneerd/signed: hand paraaf/Initials Jaar/year: 2021 Techniek/technique: Mixed media/hout-spraypaint-posca Genummerd/number: 1 Conditie/Condition: Nieuw/new Outsidegallery

2021Thoughts Kunstenaar/artist: REX (Jurriaan Rexwinkel) Gesigneerd/signed: hand paraaf/Initials Jaar/year: 2021 Papier/paper: Incisioni 300gr Techniek/technique: Spuitbus op papier/Spray can on paper. Genummerd/number: (3 ) serie of 5 Formaat blad/Size of paper: 30 x 40 cm Format image: 31x 20 cm Check

A note to myself
2021'A note to myself' Kunstenaar/artist: REX (Jurriaan Rexwinkel) Gesigneerd/signed: hand paraaf/Initials Jaar/year: 2021 Papier/paper: Incisioni 300gr Techniek/technique: Paint, verf op papier. Genummerd/number: (1 ) Formaat blad/Size of paper: 70 x 45 cm Format image: 70 x 45 cm Conditie/Condition: Nieuw/new

We cannot sink
2021'We cannot sink' Kunstenaar/artist: REX (Jurriaan Rexwinkel) Gesigneerd/signed: hand paraaf/Initials Jaar/year: 2021 Techniek/technique: Mixed media/hout-spraypaint-posca Genummerd/number: 1 Conditie/Condition: Nieuw/new

Catching the rat. no.1
2021"Catching the rat" NO. 1 Kunstenaar/artist: REX (Jurriaan Rexwinkel) Gesigneerd/signed: hand paraaf/Initials Jaar/year: 2021 Papier/paper: Incisioni 300gr Techniek/technique: Spuitbus op papier/Spray can on paper. Genummerd/number: (1 ) serie of 5 Formaat blad/Size of paper: 63 x 40 cm Format image: 50 x 30 cm Conditie/Condition: Nieuw/new Check

Catching the rat. no. 2
2021"Catching the rat" NO. 2 Kunstenaar/artist: REX (Jurriaan Rexwinkel) Gesigneerd/signed: hand paraaf/Initials Jaar/year: 2021 Papier/paper: Incisioni 300gr Techniek/technique: Spuitbus op papier/Spray can on paper. Genummerd/number: (2 ) serie of 5 Formaat blad/Size of paper: 63 x 40 cm Format image: 50 x 30 cm Conditie/Condition: Nieuw/new

Immortality (of the Bat)
2020Immortality (of the Bat) Kunstenaar/artist: REX (Jurriaan Rexwinkel) Gesigneerd/signed: hand paraaf/Initials Jaar/year: 2020 Papier/paper: Incisioni 300gr Techniek/technique: Spuitbus op papier/Spray can on paper. Genummerd/number: (1 ) serie of 5 Formaat blad/Size of paper: 36 x 62 cm Format image: 32 x 49 cm Conditie/Condition: Nieuw/new

Everyone needs a hug
2020Everyone needs a hug Kunstenaar/artist: REX (Jurriaan Rexwinkel) Gesigneerd/signed: hand paraaf/Initials Jaar/year: 2020 Papier/paper: Incisioni 300gr Techniek/technique: Spuitbus op papier/Spray can on paper. Genummerd/number: 1 Formaat blad/Size of paper: 77 x 60 cm Format image: 77 x 60 cm Conditie/Condition: Nieuw/new

Girl with four eyes, gold
2020Girl with four eyes, gold Kunstenaar/artist: REX (Jurriaan Rexwinkel) Gesigneerd/signed: hand paraaf/Initials Jaar/year: 2020 Papier/paper: Incisioni 300gr Techniek/technique: Spuitbus op papier/Spray can on paper. Genummerd/number: 1 Formaat blad/Size of paper: 22 x 30 cm Format image: 22 x 30 cm Conditie/Condition: Nieuw/new

Girl with four eyes, pink
2020Girl with four eyes, pink Kunstenaar/artist: REX (Jurriaan Rexwinkel) Gesigneerd/signed: hand paraaf/Initials Jaar/year: 2020 Papier/paper: Incisioni 300gr Techniek/technique: Spuitbus op papier/Spray can on paper. Genummerd/number: 1 Formaat blad/Size of paper: 22 x 30 cm Format image: 22 x 30 cm Conditie/Condition: Nieuw/new

2020TRASH Kunstenaar/artist: REX (Jurriaan Rexwinkel) (NOFAME) Gesigneerd/signed: hand paraaf/Initials Jaar/year: 2020 Canvas/doekr: linnen Techniek/technique: Spuitbus op doek/Spray can on canvas. Genummerd/number: 1 Formaat blad/Size of canvasr: 50 x 60 cm Format image: 50 x 60 cm Conditie/Condition: Nieuw/new