• Guns are not toys

    16 maart 2021

    Shadow box”Guns are not toys”. Kenny is dead, again. "Game over" it's over. In fiction that means on to the next life, but in non-fiction it is just game over. #kenny #gunsarenottoys #shadowbox #handmade #popart #mixedmedia #geek #art #streetstyle #spraypaint #message #southparkfanart 

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  • Spring

    8 maart 2021

    It's spring(time) be happy!

    Stencilart, duck

    #stencilart #streetart

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  • Not funny Didn't laugh

    3 maart 2021

    Stencilart: Not funny Didn't laugh by Rex 2021

    Hope you like it :)

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  • Outsidegallery.org

    26 februari 2021

    News: Outsidegallery

    Nieuwe website naast deze...have fun

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  • After a day of working...

    25 januari 2021

    After a day of working online on my digital skills,

    it is time to continue with my other (normal) skills!

    #printmaking #linosnede



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  • Stencilart: Catching the rat!

    13 januari 2021

    Elke stencil is uniek doordat deze opnieuw

    en afzonderlijk is gespoten op

    300 grams zuurvrij papier met

    spuitbussen merk MTN 94...30x50 cm.

    DM als je interesse hebt. #spraycan #stencilart

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  • Leaving the garbage behind is off to a great start.

    4 januari 2021

    Leaving the garbage behind is off to a great start. Happy new year everyone...#happynewyear #dollarartwork #moneyart #realdollars #moneyartwork #Oscar

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  • It's not fair

    16 december 2020

    "Zij zijn groot en ik ben klein, dat is niet eerlijk",

    aldus Calimero.

    Sentiment uit de jaren zeventig en metafoor

    voor de tweedeling in de wereld.

    Wat betekend de waarde van geld dan nog?

    #dollarart #popart


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  • New linocutprint on 12 real dollars, title: “I see darkness”

    25 augustus 2020

    New linocutprint on 12 real dollars, title: “I see darkness”

    mental illness the joker a (society) metaphor, I was very impressed with the film, its metaphor, the message… how current it still is.  Michael Moore wrote a good article about this before ... this lino had been ready for a while.  Now it is hand printed on 12 real dollars.  I like it, hope you do too..take care.

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  • It starts with one dollar.

    18 augustus 2020

    "It starts with one dollar. It is a metaphor for the fact that everything starts small, no matter how big it gets. In addition, the makers of the Simpsons have incorporated a visionary look into the series, some of which are very close to current events. They are heroes."

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